…Because who doesn’t want a long, healthy life? Top 10 tips:

  1. Sleep at night.
    Avoid frequent daytime naps, late night snacks or watching television in bed.
  2. Eat lots of colors.
    Vibrantly colored fruits and vegetables on your plate mean a healthy diet that keeps your body moving.
  3. Get checked out.
    Catch up on any health screenings your doctor has recommended and don’t forget eye and dental check-ups.
  4. Worry less.
    It really is possible to “worry yourself sick.” Excessive worrying can lead to high blood pressure, digestive problems, chronic headaches and unhealthy weight gain.
  5. Stay in touch.
    Living alone doesn’t mean being alone. Reach out to friends, neighbors and relatives.
  6. Move more.
    Exercise improves heart health, and good heart health helps prevent a range of related disorders, including blood clots and depression.
  7. Read more.
    You can “exercise your brain” with newspapers, books, magazines or puzzles.
  8. Laugh and sing.
    Is there a better way to enjoy life than to laugh and sing? And both will help you to worry less.
  9. Take control.
    Be proactive about your own health. Ask your doctor questions about your health and for advice on positive lifestyle changes.
  10. Get involved.
    Local organizations of all types need volunteers. Helping others is the best tonic for feeling good about yourself.